Here are five common ways to lose a personal injury lawsuit – Johnson Injury Lawyer

There are a variety of ways to shoot yourself in the foot (literally and figuratively) and lose a personal injury lawsuit.
From contributing to the accident to failing to take important legal steps, there are certain factors that can destroy your personal injury claim in court.
Here are five common ways to lose a personal injury lawsuit:
No experts. Parties must often rely on expert witness testimony to prove negligence. For example, a father in New Jersey who sued a mall after his daughter was injured by an escalator ended up losing the case, partly because of his failure to provide an expert opinion to explain the exact cause of the accident, according to The Star-Ledger.
Assumption of risk/contributory negligence. If you were negligent and contributed to your own injuries, or you assumed the risk of an obviously dangerous activity (and went ahead and engaged in the activity anyway), then your lawsuit may not be a winner.
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